
Thanks for visiting this music page!  If you have not already, the Worship Committee hopes you will also visit Grace on Sunday mornings and participate in our music yourself. We pray the music we make together will enrich your spiritual life and call you into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.

The best description of the way we worship is found in the writings of St. Paul:  “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God” (Colossians 3:16).  We seek to heed Paul’s exhortation in a way that is informed by the traditions of the ancient Christian church, and especially by the teachings of our denomination’s founder, John Calvin.

The music at our services is high in quality and diverse in style.  We sing traditional hymns because we love them, and because they are so rich in theology.  We also sing new songs that reflect a contemporary perspective on our ancient faith.  We sing the Psalms of the Bible because they are the words God has given us for praise and prayer.  We also take time to reflect and pray as we listen to instrumental music played on the piano, sung by the choir, or other soloist.  You can expect a wide spectrum of moods and emotions, expressive of the variety of life with Christ.  Musical selections range from pieces by Bach and earlier composers to my own original compositions and improvisations.

Our volunteer adult choir leads the congregation in prayer through music as they sing hymns, anthems, and Psalm settings.  We would love for you to join us in learning to make music together!

All of us involved in the Music Ministry here at Grace Presbyterian Church look forward to meeting you and sharing music with you.  Come, share with us as we listen for “the word of Christ” and as we “sing…with gratitude in [our] hearts to God.”