Christian Education


NURSERY (age 0-2)
Located in the CE hallway, second door on the left

Infant/toddler care for ages 0 – 2 is provided in our Nursery during the Christian Education Hour and worship service.   This paid person is screened and will provide loving care of your little ones while you participate in adult study and worship.

Located in CE hallway, 2nd door on the right

Child care and educational activity will be provided during the Worship Hour. The Children’s Message is part of our worship service on a regular basis. Children are encouraged to stay in worship through the Children’s Time and then they are welcome to stay in worship or go to child care for the remainder of the service. Child Care (ages 3-7) begins after the Children’s Message in worship at 10:45 until the worship service is over at 11:30.

Children’s Activity Bulletins are provided in the Narthex for children to use during worship.

SUNDAY SCHOOL HOUR – Classes listed below 9:00 – 10:00 am

Sunday School – Toddlers  – We are prepared to offer this class when there are children of this age range.  Please contact the office if you have children this age range.

Sunday School – Kindergarten through 5th Grade – Located in  CE hallway 1st door on the left

This year, the children will again be learning stories of the Bible.  We will sing, do crafts, and play games.  In addition, we will be memorizing the Lord’s Prayer.  As we memorize, we will be talking about what it means.  Once again, we will be collecting donations to purchase gifts for our Christmas family and also for Habitat for Humanity.  Drop-ins to our class are always welcome.

Sunday Youth Class – 6th to 12th Grade – Located lower level across from the library

The Youth Group will start the year focusing on the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation.   An emphasis in this class is on service to others.  They do this by lighting candles, wrapping gifts for the Grace Christmas family, collecting for Souper Bowl Sunday, and leading the Sunday service for Youth Sunday.

Sundays with Peggy – Peggy Mahoney – Conference room, 2nd floor across from the office.

Any adult is encouraged and welcomed to join this class as participants explore the Bible and enhance their faith each Sunday. The class will begin in September continuing with 100 Bible Verses Every Christian Should Know.  For the greatest benefit some preparation may be needed, but it is not mandatory.

Current Events Class – Todd German – Adult Classroom, CE hallway first door on the right

This class is continuing with the “Wired Word” on-line study. Class participants receive each week’s topic by e-mail which is then discussed in class.  Preparation in not required.